I love pincushions and have collected a few patterns over the years,
now I just need a few extra hours in my day to get them done, lol!
I just finished these two little cupcakes
for my Pincushion Swap hosted by Bea
I used two kits I bought at the Superior Threads booth
in Houston, using their Texture Magic
super fun little project…
They were kitted in these little plastic containers
that will be great to ship in Ü
I also bought a kit to make a bag for my IPad,
and can’t wait to work on it after making this little guys!
I pulled out my stamps
and Fabrico pens, which I LOVE,
and made these…
Soooooo easy, and fun!
Then I decided to make a bunch of these as Christmas gifts
for my friends in my modern quilt guild, The ModGal Studio
For the girl, I used our logo and printed it onto
fabric prepared for printing,
and used a fun alphabet to stamp “ModGal” onto the ribbon;
I used a red/white chevron print for the back, and it turned out fantastic!
~ ° ~
…have you seen today’s awesome creations?
Thursday, January 10
I will be sharing my words for 2013 tomorrow!
pin cushions are adorable!! and I need to look for those markers.. I have some for paper and LOTS of stamps from when I scrapbooked, knew I needed to hang on to them…. going to a quilt market tomorrow, so that will be on my list to look for…
Your pin cushions are so sweet! Super cool texturing ;D
Your little cupcake is adorable! If that was my pincushion, I would be constantly thinking about dessert! 🙂